
System Fencing, Stalls and Equipment has developed a line of horse stalls that is unequaled in the industry. We carry all five of the system stall line up; Welded stalls, Standard stalls, Custom stalls,  Portable stalls,  and Fairground stalls.

Our "Stalls at a Glance" provides you with a comparative overview of the different stall types. Use the stall images or the links on the left to find out more about each type of stall system.

See our Stall Size Guidelines (below) for details of how to estimate your stall requirements. Of course, you can always contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Tel: (613)258-1567 E-mail:andrea

Stall Size Guidlines
Horses 14 Hands 10' x 10'
16 Hands 12' x 12'
Ponies 12 Hands 8' x 8'
Standing Stalls 10' x 5'

Stallions, mares and foals need larger stalls. Active horses can have a minimum size stall; horses in their stall most of the day need a larger stall so they can move around.

The appearance of a barn can influence the perception of quality in the horses found therein. When designing or renovating a barn, low level inlets and high level outlets will help achieve efficient ventilation.


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